Marketing agencies vs growth marketing.
In recent years, the number of marketing agencies has exploded. The soon-to-saturated marketing market has been able to transform and give birth to a new type of agency 4.0. Growth marketing agencies. What are these new generation agencies and what are the differences with traditional marketing agencies?
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What is Growth Marketing?
Now is the time for you to go digital, but also to stand out from your competition. The secret of all these new agencies that we have seen emerge for several years is growth marketing. Or the future of e-marketing. A profitable business that gains in performance and notoriety is the dream of every company. Growth marketing is also the key way to boost your sales.
Growth Marketing is based on several key principles that derive from inbound marketing. The fundamental principles of this digital strategy are based on:
– The creation of a blog with inbound content.
– CTAs: “call to action”
– Landing pages that convert
– SEO and user experience
– The AARRR matrix
– A / B testing
These digital strategies refocus communication around the consumer. Indeed, more targeted and more personalized, the customer relationship is optimized and stimulates the customer’s interest in the brand and in the services / products.
The added value of growth marketing agencies
New technology marketing shifts to optimized and more targeted customer acquisition. In 2021, companies are looking to get to know their customers better, but also to better target consumer demands. Product / service innovation is only possible when the company knows and knows how to anticipate the future needs of its target.
How do you really know your target?
The analysis tools that are used by growth marketers make it possible to visualize in real time the trend of customer needs. Indeed, growth marketing is also getting into the minds of consumers and anticipating their potential change of desires.
What are the analytical tools that allow us to better understand the needs of consumers?
We will obviously think of the searches that users do in Google. Often overlooked, keyword searches are gold mines that plunge us into the brain of our target. Thus, to offer services and products that strategically hit our targets, we must focus on the study of keywords.
The disappearance of Traditional Marketing agencies?
We reassure you, traditional marketing remains relevant. Indeed, the needs of companies are not the same, so it is not necessary for some companies to invest in next generation marketing techniques. It’s all a question of goals and performance requirements.
If companies today are turning to these 4.0 strategies, it is to revitalize their sales and automate their communication system. The new way to acquire qualified leads is to attract prospects through the new communication channels of social networks so that they become customers. In addition, retaining a customer costs much less, which is why traditional marketing is personalized and becomes more targeted and more impactful.
Growth Branding agencies
Growth branding is the perfect combination between growth marketing techniques and the promotion of Branding.
Growth Branding is used to boost its brand to increase sales. We all know the traditional branding that highlights the brand and its history. But growth Branding means persevering in a spirit of leadership and growth in your market. This digital strategy highlights the benefits of recreating the brand image of your company while categorizing the new needs of consumers.
This strategy is based on anticipating changes in customer demands and market trends. It is a tailor-made Branding that allows you to work on your 360 brand strategy vision.
Are you looking to implement new digital customer acquisition strategies? Tell us about your projects!